All of a sudden, i feel really proud of myself for the most trivial reason.
i manage to keep this blog going for 7 years. is 7 years old!
Can't believe it. Almost a decade already.
And to commemorate this achievement, let's take a look back at the very FIRST entry that brought this diary to life
hi juz wanna see whether this works
Who would expect such a casual sentence to be the start of a very very invaluable recollection. The sad thing is, i didn't pen down some of the more eventful and memorable happenings over the years. Instead, all of my earlier entries were made up of big chunk of text, about me rambling and trying to be as detailed as possible about that day's work. I think that's how most of us fill up our diary during our adolescent years right?
I'm surprise that i was able to continue with that way of writing for a good portion of my secondary and poly school days. When you look back at it, you can tell how desperate i was in trying to remember every single piece of information and it has to begin with something like
"woke up in the morning......",
transiting to
" .......after lunch, took a bus back home at 3pm with........"
and finally, with a huge sigh of relief
".......that's how my day went".
yes, sigh of relief because blogging was quite a painstaking thing for me last time. I felt that there was a need to remember the sequence of events for that day so i can record it down in chronological order.
Difficult and mentally challenging! I got too tied down by what was supposed to be a HOBBY. Not a chore. Thankfully, it didn't make me want to shut down this space!
I like what I'm doing now, typing new entries which often contain meaningless sentences once in a while. Not for the sake of sustaining this blog but because i needed too.
Let's not live with this kind of straitjacket feeling
Let's be loosey-goosey!