Friday, October 15, 2004


Tired tired..Came home at 7am this morning cuz i went to the 2E bbq..we not actually 2e cuz got other class people..we played cards throughout the whole night..but nver play money wan if not i think i sure broke..haha very very tired and sticky. But once i reached home,i straight away go sleep..oh my..i'm so dirty but can't help it..super tired...i scared i bath halfway then fall asleep in the toilet ar. Woke up at around 11am coz my sis was using the com and i quickly went in and told her i want to use..haha then i lie on the bed while waiting and guess wat / i slept fer another ..woke up and around 1pm then sstarted to use the computer.Stayed at home the whole day today ...sigh super bored..PLayed the same old games ...Cs cs cs cs...boring boring boring boring..Not much happened today..Can't wait fer the chalet ..OH MY .. time to sleep now..BYEBYE

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