not because of lessons but because of smth really stupid
Firstly..during recess..i bought the same food as i did yesterday ..i paid 1.50 yesterday but today i paid 1.80 ! ..thats not the problem ..the worst thing was that when we are eating together..eric saw a DEAD CATERPILLAR IN HES FOOD..ITS NOT THOSE SMALL SMALL KIND..ITS A big wan..AND ITS FREAKIN GROSSS...I CANT FINSIH MY FOOD THANKS TO THAT TING =( AND I WASTED 2 BUCKS .crap
Secondly..after school we were supposed to have a rehearsal at 3pm so we got our equipments ready outside the hall and waited..AND WE WAITED TILL lIKE 4 PM AND we got informed that we need to bring our stuff down to the multi purpose hall at lvl 1 . SO ITS LIKE CARRYIN guitar, keyboard from lvl 4 down to lvl 1 ..AND ERIC was supposed to play the drum but the military BAND IS USING IT so we cant borrow it ..CRAP . AND AND the multi purpose are we gonna play there ! ? dun haev power supply and stuff..CRAP . than DM came and talk to usa bout tmr..we cant perform there sow e just play the song from the cd itself..crap man . Heard that 5A is not going to perform tmr CUZ its like so last minute and everybody was pissed at wat that happened. some crap management by the school . SO we cant rehearse and tmr is the actual thing. Great .
WEnt home at 5+..thanks to much delay in school . super tired and the weather is super hot =( .
not really excited about tmr..teachers day ? more like boring day fer us
the only way to go is to go away
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