Friday, February 09, 2007

Today is a total waste of time going to sch. Zel tan really really suck.

Met xw at 1245 today. Omg shes early again lol and i thought i was going to be earlier than her today =\. Anyway we went to flavours to buy food first cuz shes hungry. Saw kc there so we went in and eat abit. John joined us after awhile. Nobody knows where is the classroom fer the makeup class..even the classrep doesnt know where. Thats why zel suck. Went to concourse lvl to meet up wif the rest of the class.. then we went up to lvl 4 cuz clarence say the class will be held there. Zel came and couldnt open the door..think she got the wrong keys..thats why zel suck. Lesson was really fuckedup today. Played dota wif john and kc while waiting fer ZEL to come and see our work but wow she spend like 1 hour looking at the people on the first row when we only got 2 hours of lessons. So the rest of us went to flavours to buy food. Went up at 3..lesson supposed to end at 3 but shes still at the 2nd row omg.. Most of the class went off without letting her see cuz they were really pissed. Thats why zel suck and thats why today is a total waste of time coming to school. _|_ _|_ to zel

Went to some saloon opposite school wif kc and xw to cut our hair. 12 bucks + no washing of hair:( omg chinatown better lol /gg. sigh my hair damn short now..but nvm very cooling. Went to the foodcourt near tamp lib to eat abit first then went to lib to do our mmp final project. Did abit of the ppt slides then we left at around 7. Walked back home wif xw and kc followed us too cuz he going to my house later to continue doing mmp.

Just finished playing a game of dota wif kc..and so much fer continueing our mmp lol. Gonna go downstairs to eat wif kc now.

Thats all i guess


love u baby<3 :)

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