Sunday, January 27, 2008

Seven Things That Scare You

1) losing someone close to me
2) projects
3) ghost
4) losing my belongings
5) alone in the dark
6) horror movies
7) insects. a colony of them

Seven Things You Like the Most

1) friends
2) family
3) laptop
4) guitar playing
5) peace
7) money

Seven Important Things in your Room

1) laptop
2) guitar and amp
3) personal stuff
4) bed
5) power sockets
6) savings
7) clothes

Seven Random Facts About You

1) i dislike my current course of study
2) i try not to start backstabbing others unless the conversation is about backstabbing
3) a fervent supporter of man utd
4) grapes make me high
5) cant wait to graduate from poly
6) twits disgust the hell out of me
7) i want to play music in the future

Seven Things You Plan To Do Before You Die

1) get in a band and tour with them
2) buy a really beautiful house
3) fall in love
4) run a business with friends
5) make people happy
6) write my own music
7) drive my own car

Seven Things You Can Do

1) finish one bunch of grapes myself
2) repeat one song for the whole day
3) make people angry
4) play guitar
5) sneak out in the middle of the night
6) bend my fingers
7) swear

Seven Things You Can’t Do

1) close my eyes and walk for more than 3 seconds
2) give good advice to people
3) drive
4) study hard
5) not taking a bath for 1 whole day
6) design and programming
7) sleep before 11pm

Seven Things That Attract You to the Opposite Sex

1) face
2) hair
3) height
4) weight
5) body
6) legs
7) dressing

Seven Things You Say/Write The Most

1) wtf
2) gg
3) fuck school
4) lol
5) k lor
6) angry
7) wat u doing

Seven Celebrity Crushes

1) jeanette aw
2) lee jun ki
3) dawn yeo
4) rick astly aka rick roll
5) kirk hammett
6) -
7) -

Seven People You Want to Take this Test

1) anyone

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