Sunday, February 07, 2010

It's 355am now and im currently surfing the net like never before.. because im too damn bored

So i googled "cool things to do on the internet" and browsed thru a couple of links. Found a couple of nifty sites like
Check the various boxes and it will bring u to random sites according to the category that uve chosen
This is one of the websites they directed me to when i ticked "music". Cool stuff!
Online Translator!

and heres the whole list

Went cycling in the evening just now around tampines. Feels good. And that's about it for my Saturday

CNY next week and i don't really want to talk about it. So please don't mention how excited u are infront of me :(

What to do...............just my luck just my luck just my luck

im feeling stoned now. Shall do a proper update soon


a flash of remorse
a tinge of guilt
encircling estrangement
our hearts they filled

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