Thursday, December 13, 2007

happy birthday

so the long awaited term break has arrived. All the submissions went well i guess but hci is a really nightmare because of that one particular infamous teacher whom received nothing but negative feedbacks everytime we were asked to do the feedback form. gg

Gonna start relaxing from today and yea i did by playing guitar and some gaming. Soccer later on at 3. No much worries for waking up late for now because theres no late in certain period of time. The only worry i have whenever holidays come is cash :(. Please intro me if u have any jobs! thanks.

I'm sure 2 weeks of break will past by quickly so im going to try my best to make use of every minute of it because when school reopens, its a gg

Birthday spree this week and the next. Money will be spent on presents. How i wish i can receive some too. Theres so many things i want to buy :(.

Guess i'll spend most of the time staying at home playing guitar.

Thats about it. Update again soon

happy birthday once again


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