Sunday, August 02, 2009

I'm feeling happy now!

Today was a fun day.

Managed to indulge in some yummy delights! One thing i always looked forward to when i book out. The dessert at "The Traditional Dessert" was awesome! Wy really knows how to recce. hahaha

My post-birthday celebration with my family, relatives and friends just now was a blast. My parents put in a lot of effort into organising the event and i really really appreciate it. I love every gifts i received also, especially the ones my brother gave me.
Thanks for coming down Jason, Cy, Eric, Mao, Matt and Alex. Felt damn good talking to u guys!

I really wanna do something about my corner in my room. Yes, im refering to that laptop table which has a conglomerations of everything. Theres a lot of things i wanna put up but don't have the space to do so :(

Sucks not to have a room to myself

Sucks not to have the time to spruce it up.

Army life pretty much suck and im sick of blabbering on about it

Im still feeling happy despite my rants

I will try my best to feel the same way from Monday to Saturday

Thanks Grandma, Grandpa, Mum, Dad, Brother and Sister

Love u guys always

Nights everyone and take good care!

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