Monday, May 24, 2010

A little while ago, i was arranging my things on my computer desk, which sadly is the only personal space i have in the whole room and i managed to dig up a few items which was given to me in the past that was being hidden underneath other things. Most of them are birthday cards, xmas cards and letters and i can't help but to read thru them over and over again even though some are just well-wishes. Whimsically, i find messages in cards and letters very compelling and magical. They make me happy. Unless of course, it's something unpleasant.

Nonetheless, i feel that handwritten cards or letters are the most sincere way of conveying a message

Today was a great day. Shall blog about it next time. In short, the Pinnacle@Duxton is a semblance of paradise.

good night everyone! Another boring week looms large

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