While i'm having maths lessons , the teacher told us that we need to do mock exams fer chinese and social studies,i was like "OH COMEON GIVE ME A BREAK" and guess wat,i did not complete both the mock papers.i think its stupid to give us this kind of shit.Anyway,went to alex house there eat seafood soup + rice after school wif mao lex ray choon eric . Then as expected,we went to lex's house.i occupied the computer while the others were busy playing soul calibre.Took cab home wif raymond at around 4+ cuz he had to meet his parents at tm.I"m lucky cuz i live in tampines! so i get a free ride! yes .Guess wat,when i reached home,my internet + scv was down !..i was like uber bored!.and decided to skate around my blk.Quite fun though..maybe i shld try to skate around my area more next time.But luckily,my internet was up and running again at around 8+.Was feeling kinda down and moody after ...erm nothing.But when i tok to cy on msn..oh man i was laughing like mad ..seriously AHHAHA..we tok abt the chalet we had last yr and wats gonna happen in this yr chalet..its was soooo funny.Really can't wait fer the end of yr chalet wif my frends.Hope i can do well fer my N lvls and enjoy LIFE!!
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