Hi ! i'm back frm the chalet..haha..reached home at 10+am this morning.took a cab wif wei cong and kee hian..cuz i was too lazy and too tired to take a bus.haha Alright,i wont talk much about the chalet cuz i think i will take a longlong time..i gtg soon so i will TRY to make it short.We went swimming most of the time..very shiok ..lol and guess what / i go and get myself tanned on the 2nd day..also duno y..i lie on the chair fer around 1 hour.The feeling was absolutely relaxing..haha then at tat night,my skin was like peeling off..very pain..now also very pain..so when i slp i cant move around much..haha.Oh yea..we went to the red house too on the first night..around 10 of us went but only 4 of us (wen qing weicong kee hian and me) went in..the rest waited outside.haha..This time,i was not that afraid compared to last time..but we had some trouble ..WE DUN HAVE ANY LIGHTS!..and the place was super dark.ALthough we used handphone lights, it was not strong enuff..haha but we still managed to explore the whole house..it took us only like half an hour. Haha..thats about all during the chalet..and we were eating cup noodles,drinking pepsi twist and jolly shandy most of the time..lol . Was fun though..look forward to next yr's chalet!.^^..Reached home , played my computer..actually wanted to slp but can't sleep..haha..then went to ly shop at around 430pm..and i got 50 bucks today !!! haha so happy..ly sold our WWE cards fer 100 bucks..so each of us get 50 bucks..WOOOO.. haha looks like i will have enuff money to bring fer the TS chalet!!.Was feeling very moody when i reached home..any how throw tantrum..ahha i wonder wats the problem wif me .Then i heard of the news..about my primary sch mate incident..real sad..i was shocked to hear it ..can't really believe it till i watch the news..sigh..ALright edmund CHEER UP!..haha ok this is stupid ..anyway tmr is the last paper of o lvls fer most of my frends..ALL THE BEST GUYS!! LETS PLAY HARD AFTER THAT!!! U CAN DO IT and those whos o lvls end on monday..all the best too!.can't wait to enjoy wif u guys
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